Deon van der Walt先生來自地球的另一邊—南非,他繞了半個地球來拜訪我公司,其因緣來自我公司所製造的漁船。Walt先生去年在南非購買了我公司製造的中古漁船2艘,經過一段時間使用感覺很滿意,雖船齡已逾10年但結構、性能與他旗下其它漁船相較仍然好很多,所以特地從南非來我公司洽談新船
Thank you for the hospitality for hosting me today. The visit was inspiring. The meal and company was amazing.
Will it be possible for someone to show me the layout and transfer on the fuel and fresh water systems on the new boat tomorrow morning please?
To confirm the details of today's meeting :
1. We would like a quote on two long line reel drums.
2. A quote on the new boat with all equipment fitted.
3. A reference to the company in Taiwan that deals with long line equipment.
4. If possible, the operating manuals of the equipment on our existing boats.
Thanking you in advance
Kind regards
Deon van der Walt
Republic of South Africa
- 南非船東來訪
- 南非船東來訪
- 南非船東來訪
- 南非船東來訪